Fundraising is the main activity that kick starts any business activity. Large organizations that are already well-established and have public recognition generally find it easier to raise funds from all the sources. It is mainly the small and medium enterprises that find it difficult to convince investors to provide funds.
Fund raising advisory services help such enterprises collect funds for their proposed business activities. The advisory services promote the business and look for the potential investors. They also provide consultancy services to suggest the best suitable avenues of raising funds according to the client’s requirement.
Depending upon the purpose of funds, they generally categorize the fund requirement into different headings. For instance, promotion purpose, expansion need, or liquidity requirement, etc. For each category, they normally have a detailed plan suggesting the amount of investment requirement, expected minimum return, investment tenure, degree of management control, etc. However, these plans are tentative and customized as per the change in client’s requirement.
Their experienced team of analysts review the current financial position of the company, do the required documentation work, and also help the client in due diligence. They also help their clients in negotiating terms with the potential investors.
We offer various advisory services to help enterprises that are planning to invest in and outside the country. Raising funds through the issue of gross domestic receipt is a common offshore advisory service prevalent in the business environment around the world.